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Sunday, July 31, 2016


 Outside, at night
    point your index fingers at the stars

 the spiraling  umbilical tail
of creation's first   manifested  light

The beginning of our   lives here

Keep pointing our  fingers
    at the stars

 We are with  many suns
    clustered together

Inside the core of
this universe

  expanding  into    membranes

  All   those stars  crowded   together
  deep   inside there

The light displays   for all life forms
 here to  point    skinny fingers    at us

 Some long      distant day
  in the future    and wonder

 Since  existence  manifests          across time
and  comes to open its Eye      to peer inside

Our deep universal core      swirling and sinking
leaving us all    blinking     and thinking

"Where  are the    signs of aliens?"

While  the stars    -    just  sign posts
along the evolutionary  gateways of death -

See themselves spread out     across our skies
for us to  realize:  that is exactly    where we're all going 

To a place where  our  starlight    will be left behind
Shining back    to haunt those lonely souls

Trapped  on a far away planet
  appearing long      long  after

We quickly   went

Kappa - Zeta = Delta

The tetragrammaticological perspective involves a constant sort of astral motion captured in static therefore likened to the lidless all-staring Eye open and wingspread a pupil dilating
in fluctuation as it has been surveying Itself since our immemorial conceptions of time.

Thursday, July 21, 2016


We're committed to your privacy and security. What does that intend to mean? I wonder.
When altogether I myself am not. If we take it for the benefit of the doubt at face value that the significance lies in their sincerity, we must question how intent on doing a thorough job of it they really are as well as how successful they might become, if we are to consider the implications seriously. If they're quite thorough and immaculate establishing both security and privacy upon us and happen to succeed at this noble endeavor, then by definition our freedom itself gets entirely taken away. The question turns from can we opt out to how do we opt out. This cuts more than one way. Our sincerity in advocating for the protection of our freedom spurs us on toward thinking more about what it really means to opt out in the context of this delicate situation of a real binding nature.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Death by Seven Thousand Cuts

What are we here for    what's dear to you
and me      what do I hear      what do you see
from those eyes over there       and is the  grown song
that different from where we stand     or does it take
too long for it to reach our ears        and when it does
how long before it settles in         does it take years
or maybe it never happens        we just hallucinate it
glad we made it over to         the next heart beat......
I don't know     won't           you please show us 
before this rift gets               any wider and water
stops flowing in                     between us any
l o n g e r

Friday, July 8, 2016

the Fifth dimension

of our lives never fails to recognize a pattern in the rain that's falling against our worn and tattered clothing we shed in a moment of heated steam arising from the iron grill embedded in the concrete sidewalk we pass along our way to work and back home late one evening when traffic's thick and there is nowhere for us to go except retreat into the frozen hallways buried in a memory of snow and bright blue skies from long ago we realize today too slow that it has been the same old day all along just like the woman sang in her brilliant song we carry the echoes with us in our head whenever we fall into and wake up from bed to continue along our well worn path on our own bare feet throughout the aftermath of this long unfolding corridor of hard packed earth we trail along eyes cast forth while humming this tune which haunts us every minute of this golden afternoon we're suspended within the silver cloud which surrounds where the silence is much too loud and the darkness blinds our eyes from beyond