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Thursday, July 21, 2016


We're committed to your privacy and security. What does that intend to mean? I wonder.
When altogether I myself am not. If we take it for the benefit of the doubt at face value that the significance lies in their sincerity, we must question how intent on doing a thorough job of it they really are as well as how successful they might become, if we are to consider the implications seriously. If they're quite thorough and immaculate establishing both security and privacy upon us and happen to succeed at this noble endeavor, then by definition our freedom itself gets entirely taken away. The question turns from can we opt out to how do we opt out. This cuts more than one way. Our sincerity in advocating for the protection of our freedom spurs us on toward thinking more about what it really means to opt out in the context of this delicate situation of a real binding nature.

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